<idal:mField idal:name="DatePrinted">
<idal:mField idal:name="Processed">
<idal:mField idal:name="DateAcct">
<idal:mField idal:name="IsPrinted">
<idal:mField idal:name="IsInvoiced">
This is really not ideal, as it's very verbose, and it circumvents the power of XML, which is it's self-describing vocabulary.
A more preferred approach to the above is something like:
Obviously, in addition to being more succinct, it's also more human readable, which is an important consideration.
Recently, after a taking a few months off on the project, I believe it is possible to relatively easily dynamically generate a SOAP WSDL that is fully expressive, and accomodates changes to the Compiere/Adempiere data dictionary. Further, by using XSD extension mechanisms, we can limit the number of operations, or verbs, to a reasonable number. So, under this scenario, we'd have operations (verbs) such as "Create", "Delete", "Update" and "Search", which can be applied to common documents (nouns) such as PO, Invoice etc.
Another key consideration is security. Passing username/password values, in clear text, even over SSL, is not sufficiently secure for most organizations. After all, the SOAP XML is probably littered throughout log files, leaving credentials easily exposed in clear text to any would-be hacker. Instead, the preferred approach is to use WS-Security, which through profiles, can support a variety of encryption solutions. For example, a binary hash token can be used that is highly secure. Further, WS-Security is one of the few WS-* standards that is actually more-or-less universally supported. For instance, the UsernameToken WS-Security standard is nicely supported by both .NET and Java (Axis Rampart), and presumably others as well.
Notwithstanding my earlier contention that SOAP is the best way to go in an enterprise environment, it's foolish to think everyone concurs with me on that. So, it also makes sense to expose the services through other protocols as well, including JMS and REST (or even email). My previous approach to using Axis2 really limited the solution to SOAP. What I'm proposing this time around is to use Servicemix as the integration broker, whereby it could receive the inbound messages in a variety of protocols. Thus, we're no longer just limited to SOAP.
From an architecture standpoint, what I had in mind was:

In the above scenario, Servicemix "binding components" are used to manage the inbound requests. From there, it's routed through a profile validation services (I'll explain more of this in a future posting), then ultimately to the implementation bean/service that will fulfill the request.
Obviously, this is a fairly ambitious undertaking. So, I propose the follwing phases:
Phase 1:
- Authorization/Authentication via Profile service
- Dynamic WSDL Generation
- Core API set (Create, Delete, Update, Insert)
- WS-I Basic Compatibility for SOAP.
- WS-Security Authentication using Mediator Service (Apache Synapse or Spring-WS, which has strong WS-Security support)
- Additional API Calls.
- Performance Improvements
I anticipate releasing the code under the same license as Adempiere, or even BSD, if appropriate. A Sourceforge project will be launched as soon as enough code exists to seed the project (nobody is interested in vaporware projects -- real code has to exist to excite the community). I have begun working on the code, an expect anticipate a May delivery timeframe for the first seed.
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Hi Jeff,
i would like to invite you to join Adempiere project and submit your code with Web Services as part of Adempiere project.
Being part of Adempiere project you will have more developer eyes which will read your code and send you comments and proposals.
Kind regards,
Trifon Trifonov
Thanks -- I'd love to participate!!
Let me know how I can help out.
Hi Jeff,
participation is very easy.
Just need to write your ideas in Adempiere forums and you will get developers opinion.
When you publish code you will get more comments and improvements and new functionality.
Kind regards,
I'm interested in your progress on this - as I'm particularly interested in the REST access your planned implementation would provide.
Have you a team? Seed code?
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